Tazi Arab mourning (Ashura ) in Occupied Iran

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January 19, 2008, Esfehan, Iran - In a Arabic month of Muharam, Islamic Tazi Mullah terrorists and their followers mourn for their barbaric ancestors, for those who massacred millions of Iranians in the past centuries. Traditionally, Mullah Taziz wear grave-cloths and wound themselves with a poniard (Ghameh) until their heads or their foreheads are cut open, filling their entire head and face with blood. But lately in occupied Iran, Tazi Mullahs are producing street-plays and carnivals to deceive ordinary Iranian people and conceal the true Iranian history. One thing for sure, Iranians will never forget the atrocities that Arab Taziz have committed against Iranians. True Iranians in Iran and all over the world are determined to liberate their homeland from barbaric superstitious beliefs, deception and slavery!

The crown of Islamic Arab values simply does not fit the Iranians. It never has and it never will!   


14 Centuries of occupation and destruction of Iran by Islamic Tazi Terrorist Mullahs must come to end this year!

It is time for IRANIANS to be True IRANIAN