Iranian National Hero

Dorood to Majid Kavousifar and his Nephew, Hussein Kavousifar
for terminating Tazi Mullah Judge Hassan Moqhaddas!


The US Embassy in Dubai unethically handed over to the Tazi Islamic terrorist two of the bravest sons and heroes of Iran, Majid Kavousifar, 28 and his nephew Hossein Kavousifar, 24.  These two had sought a political asylum in the interest of humanity and freedom for all Iranians.  

Majid and Hossein were hanged from the cable of a crane in Tehran August 2, 2007.  These two Iranian heroes terminated Tazi mullah judge, Hassan Moqhaddas who had ordered the death and torture of more than thousand Iranian freedom advocates. 

 This Mullah Tazi got what all barbaric Tazi occupiers of Iran deserve!  

Dorood to Majid Kavousifar and his Nephew, Hossein Kavousifar






Dorood to Hussein Kavousifar


True Iranians commemorate the memory of these two heroes forever!

"Human beings are all members of one body.
They are created from the same essence.
When one member is in pain,
The others cannot rest.
If you do not care about the pain of others,
You do not deserve to be called a human being."

A Quote from 13th century famous Persian Poet Saadi Shirazi

It is time to Unite and Free IRAN!
Free IRAN means End to the World Terrorism

14 Centuries of occupation and destruction by TAZIZ must come to end this year!