Children's life in occupied Iran

Children selling rationed gasoline


November 17, 2007 - According to the latest reports 70 percent or more of people in Iran live below poverty line and are deprived of the most basic services of life! Children of Iran many from poverty-stricken families are being employed as cheap commodities.  There are no accurate statistics on child laborer in Iran.  According to one report, in today's Iran under the current barbaric Islamic regime, there are over 1,000,000 children between the ages of 6 and 14 who work as permanent workers with no access to education.

Iran and her children need help!
Current and future Iranian generations will not forgive 7 million Iranians abroad for turning their back to their Motherland!

It is every Iranian's moral and patriotic obligation to help liberating Iran from 14 centuries of occupation and destruction by Tazi Islamic terrorist occupiers of Iran once and forever!

It is time to be a proud true Iranian again!