10 March, 2005 5:00 PM (London time)
Azarakhsh in Europe
Peaceful Stand-off
at Zaventem Airport in Brussels, Belgium

Eighty nine (89)
supporters of Anjomane Padeshahie Iran including women and children refused to get off a Lufthansa flight from
Frankfurt to Brussels protesting against the political
situation in Iran Dorood
to Dr. Frood
Fouladvand, Anjoman's leader, teacher and the
of this
victorious operation
The youngest
Iranian taking part in this operation was 2 years old
BBC World
News shamefully reported this historical movement as such:
" Iranians
in 'Belgian air protest' Two Iranian men are reported to be involved
in a stand-off at Zaventem airport in Belgium's capital,
Belgium police
turned off the air conditionings, lights and shut down the
laboratories inside the plane to end this operation
Supporters of
Anjomane Padeshahi Iran negotiated with Belgium police to publish their demands in
the world news media
Finally, after
17 hours inside the plane, Belgium police stormed the plane and forcefully removed
freedom advocates from the plane;
some were hurt badly
Belgium police
arrested all supporters of Anjomane Padeshahi Iran and soon after initial
integration they were
released at the airport
The world
heard the true voice of Iranians
Coverage of this Victorious Movement
10 March, 2005
refuse to leave German plane
Australian Financial Review, Australia -
42 minutes ago
Belgian authorities early on Friday ordered dozens
of passengers occupying a German airliner at
Brussels airport to leave the craft or face arrest,
police ...
Iranians Stage Protest on Plane
Guardian, UK -
55 minutes ago
of 59 unarmed passengers of Iranian origin encamped
on a Lufthansa jetliner in ...
protesters refuse to leave plane
Swissinfo, Switzerland -
1 hour ago
By An Verschave. "We want the European Union to
remove the Islamic leaders from Iran," Armin
Atshgar, a protester, told Reuters by mobile phone
on Friday. ...
occupy plane in protest
Australian, Australia -
4 hours ago
SEVERAL dozen passengers refused to disembark from a
German airliner when it arrived in Brussels today in
what appeared to be a protest against the European ...
occupy plane at Brussels airport
New Zealand Herald, New
Zealand - 40 minutes ago
BRUSSELS - A group of Iranian-linked passengers
refused to disembark from an aircraft at Brussels'
main airport on Thursday, apparently staging a
political ...
Monarchists Protest on Jetliner
FOX News - 1
hour ago
BRUSSELS, Belgium — A group of unarmed Iranian
protesters holed up on a Lufthansa (search) jetliner
at Brussels airport, and a spokesman for the group
said ...
protesters occupy plane in Brussels
Telegraph.co.uk, UK -
10 hours ago
An unarmed group of 59 passengers have refused to
disembark from an airliner at Brussels main airport,
apparently staging a political protest, police and ...
stage protest at Brussels airport
MSNBC - 10
hours ago
BRUSSELS, Belgium - A group of unarmed Iranians
staged a protest aboard a Lufthansa jet at the
Brussels airport Thursday, refusing to leave the
plane and ...
in 'Belgian air protest'
BBC News, UK -
11 hours ago
Two Iranian men are reported to be involved in a
stand-off at Zaventem airport in Belgium's capital,
Brussels. The two are thought ...
hold up plane in Brussels
Aljazeera.net, Qatar -
3 hours ago
A group of Iranian monarchists are refusing to
disembark from a plane at Brussels airport in a
protest against the Islamic government in Tehran. ...
Plane Protesters 'On Hunger Strike'
Scotland on Sunday, UK -
6 hours ago
A spokesman for a group of unarmed Iranian
protesters holed up on a Lufthansa airliner at
Brussels airport said tonight they are on a hunger
strike and are ...
Iranians singing freedom songs,
WorldNetDaily, OR -
8 hours ago
By Art Moore. About 50 Iranian activists are holding
a protest on an airplane at the Brussels airport,
seeking to convince heads ...
protesters hold plane in Brussels
10 hours ago
BRUSSELS, Belgium A group of unarmed Iranians
refuses to leave a plane at the airport in Brussels,
Belgium -- in a call for the return of their
country's ...
stand-off drama
The Sun, UK -
11 hours ago
By CORINNE ABRAMS. AN Iranian group are tonight
involved in a stand-off on board a plane on a runway
at Brussels Airport in Belgium. ...
Iranians stage protest on plane
Kansas City Star, MO -
54 minutes ago
BRUSSELS, Belgium - A group of 59 unarmed passengers
of Iranian origin encamped on a Lufthansa jetliner
in a Belgian airport Thursday and refused to leave ...
Police Board, Moved Occupied Plane
ABC News - 25
minutes ago
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Belgian police boarded and
moved a Lufthansa plane occupied by more than 50
unarmed Iranian monarchist protesters early on
Friday after ...
Iranians Stage Protest on Plane
ABC News - 52
minutes ago
In this photo supplied to the Associated Press by an
unidentified Iranian passenger who left the
aircraft, passengers wait on board a Lufthansa
plane, Thursday ...
protesters refuse to leave plane
Reuters.uk, UK -
1 hour ago
By An Verschave. BRUSSELS (Reuters) - A group of
Iranian monarchists have defied Belgian officials
and refused to leave a plane at ...
occupy plane in protest
Melbourne Herald Sun, Australia -
9 hours ago
A GROUP of passengers of Iranian origin refused to
disembark from a plane at Brussels airport in an
apparent political protest today, police and airline
staff ...
occupy plane in protest
Australian, Australia -
10 hours ago
A GROUP of passengers of Iranian origin refused to
disembark from a plane at Brussels airport in an
apparent political protest today, police and airline
staff ...
Iranians Stage Protest on Plane
Tuscaloosa News
(subscription), AL - 1 hour
By CONSTANT BRAND. A group of 59 unarmed passengers
of Iranian origin encamped on a Lufthansa jetliner
in a Belgian airport Thursday ...
Protesters Stage Sit-In On Brussels Plane
Airwise - 6
hours ago
A group of passengers of Iranian origin refused to
disembark from a plane at Brussels Airport on
Thursday in protest against the government in
Tehran. ...
Azarakhsh Declaration
Padeshahi Iran Declaration on behalf of Iranian nation

Proposed Constitution 
Azarakhsh - Zaventem Airport - Brussels, Belgium
Tondar - EU Commission Headquarters Brussels, Belgium
Tondar - La Haye Court of Justice in Hague, Holland
Forces (MI5) Attack - Arrest of Dr. Fouladvand and his Supporters
Gonabadi - Qum, Iran 
Tondar - Arc
de Triomphe Monument
- Paris, France
Tondar - Sivand Dam Destroyed - Shiraz, Iran
against Dr. Fouladvand - Metropolitan Police Service- London, England
Dr. Fouladvand's
for a Debate with Islamic Scholars of Iran
Edict or Fatwa against Dr. Fouladvand
Custom Play" in front of Blair's Office in London, England
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